Lavender Oil for Scars, Sunburn, and Burns

Healing Naturally: Lavender Oil for Scars, Sunburn, and Burns

This delicate little flower, with its refreshingly aromatic scent, has a lot more to offer than a pleasant olfactory experience.  Lavender has been widely used in ancient civilizations and cultural contexts for perfumery as well as other medicinal uses.  

With over 2,500 years of use, lavender remains one of the most versatile and useful of all essential oils.

Lavender Oil for Scars

Scarring is a common problem for us all.  I’m not going to suggest that using lavender oil on your scars will instantly remove them because, as we all know, results can be different from person to person.  It’s suggested that lavender oil may actually help to fade scars by rejuvenating your skin cells.  

One great thing about lavender oil is that it’s generally believed to be quite gentle, even if applied directly. That being said, I’d still recommend mixing it with coconut oil (or another carrier oil), especially if you have sensitive skin.  Generally, it’s not best practice to apply essential oils directly to the skin due to their potency.  

There have also been studies done that link photosensitivity to lavender use on the skin, so it’s not recommended for use before going into the sun and should be used sparingly.

Simple Lavender Scar Recipe:


What You Need:

  • 15 Drops of Lavender Essential Oil
  • 1/4 Cup Unrefined Virgin Coconut Oil
  • Small Saucepan
  • Small 2oz Glass Jar


  1. Heat water on the stovetop in your saucepan.
  2. Remove the saucepan from the heat and place the small jar containing coconut oil in the water.  Do not allow water to get into the jar.
  3. Allow the coconut oil in the glass jar to melt to a liquefied state
  4. Once the coconut oil has melted, mix in 15 drops of Lavender essential oil
  5. Allow the mixture to cool and harden.  Cover with a lid.

Note: The reason why I suggest placing the glass jar of coconut oil in hot water instead of melting the oil in the pan directly is so that you won’t get any contaminants from your pan into the oil mixture.  This will also allow the oil to melt more gently since it won’t be exposed to any extreme temperatures.

The above recipe will only take you a few minutes to make, and it will smell absolutely amazing.  Not only that, but you can also double the recipe if you find that you use it up quickly, which is very easy to do.  This mixture may not remove your scars completely, but if you don’t notice drastic improvement, this mixture is quite nourishing and smells wonderful.

Another great thing about this recipe is that coconut oil also has healing properties for healthy skin and is said to help with stretch marks as well.  So, feel free to try this on your scars daily and see if they begin to fade.  Be sure to let us know if it worked for you!

Lavender Oil for Sunburn

Spending time at the beach is wonderful until you realize you forgot to protect your skin.  It’s never a good feeling when you realize your skin got damaged by the sun, especially once the pain begins to set in.  There’s a multitude of natural remedies for sunburn, but some may prefer the smell of lavender over ingredients in other mixtures.

Simple Sunburn Spray/Gel Recipe

Aloe Vera

What You Need:

  • 1/2 Cup Aloe Vera Gel or Pure Aloe Juice
  • 12 Drops of Lavender Essential Oil
  • Spray Bottle (Optional)

Just mix the above ingredients and apply them to your burns.  As you probably already realized, you can use the aloe juice in order to make a spray-on mixture, or you can make a gelled version using aloe gel.  Either way, you will enjoy amazing benefits with either of these mixtures.  

The powerful healing benefits of aloe, along with the relaxation benefits of lavender, are the perfect combination for sunburn.

Application Suggestions:

  • I’d suggest using the spray for immediate sunburn relief since it won’t require you to rub anything onto your already sensitive skin.  I don’t know about you, but I don’t like rubbing anything on my skin when I have sunburn unless it’s an absolute necessity!
  • The gel is very soothing since it’s heavier in consistency.  Therefore, I’d suggest applying the gel right before going to bed because the lavender scent will encourage tranquility and help you drift into sleep, feeling much more relaxed.  Also, by the time you’re ready for bed, your sunburn will be a bit less “touchy”.

While sunburn usually isn’t very serious, WebMD suggests you should seek medical assistance if you experience any of the symptoms below:

  • A sunburn that forms blisters, covers a large area, or is very painful
  • Facial swelling
  • Fever and chills
  • Upset stomach
  • Headache, confusion, or faintness
  • Signs of dehydration

Lavender Oil for Burns

Well, we’ve already gone through some great uses for this fragrant oil, and now we’ll take a look at using it for the occasional burn as well.  It’s widely known that lavender does have antimicrobial properties, and there are many that take advantage of its healing benefits for burns specifically.  

Also, in my research, I came across an article that mentioned how over 100 studies have been conducted establishing lavender’s antimicrobial properties.

A Story

Those of you more familiar with essential oil history may know the story of René-Maurice Gattefossé and how he used “lavender essence” after a laboratory explosion.  Now, if you are familiar with this story, you should know that it’s often been quite exaggerated, especially on the internet.  So, read his own account of the event in his own words below.

He writes:

“The external application of small quantities of essences rapidly stops the spread of gangrenous sores. In my personal experience, after a laboratory explosion covered me with burning substances, which I extinguished by rolling on a grassy lawn, both my hands were covered with a rapidly developing gas gangrene. Just one rinse with lavender essence stopped “the gasification of the tissue.” This treatment was followed by profuse sweating, and healing began the next day (July 1910).” – Gattefossé R-M, Tisserand RB (ed.) 1993 Gattefossé’s aromatherapy: the first book on aromatherapy. CW Daniel, Saffron Walden, p 87

While most of us probably wouldn’t ever end up in a lab explosion (I hope), the story is quite intriguing.  

  • Lavender is used by many people for burns because it has a calming quality to the skin.
  • However, I would not recommend using lavender oil to treat second or third-degree burns. In those cases, you’ll want to seek medical assistance immediately.  However, for less serious and simple burns, lavender oil can be very useful.
  • For simple burns, use the aloe vera gel or spray recipe we mentioned above.  For smaller qualities, you can just halve the recipe for the same results.

As an alternative to the aloe recipe, you can mix your lavender essential oil with honey instead (manuka is best).  For a small batch of ointment for spot treatments on your burns, I’d recommend eight drops of lavender oil for every two tablespoons of honey.  For a larger batch of this mixture, just double it accordingly.

Before you put anything on your burn, run cold water over it for 10 minutes to prevent the heat from penetrating deeper into the skin tissue.

Essential oils, like lavender oil, are natural and potent tools for your skincare regimen. Remember to make informed decisions and do your research when it comes to choosing and using these products. Enjoy the wonderful benefits of lavender oil on your journey toward a more natural lifestyle.

FAQs about using Lavender Oil for Scars, Sunburn, and Burns 

Natural lifestyle enthusiasts often turn to essential oils for their many various healing benefits. In this section, we’ll be answering some frequently asked questions about using lavender oil for these conditions.

As time goes on, we’ll likely add other commonly asked questions to this list.  

1.) Is lavender oil effective for treating scars?

Yes, lavender oil is effective for treating scars. It has regenerative properties that aid in skin repair and helps reduce the appearance of scar tissue. However, for deep scars, it’s recommended to consult with a dermatologist or healthcare professional.

2.) Can I apply lavender oil directly to a sunburn?

Yes, you can apply diluted lavender oil directly to a sunburn. Lavender oil has natural anti-inflammatory and cooling properties, making it beneficial for soothing sunburned skin. However, avoid applying essential oils to severely burned or blistered skin as it might worsen the condition. Any carrier oil agreeable to your skin type will work fine for the dilution.

3.) How should I apply lavender oil to burns?

Lavender oil should be diluted with a carrier oil like coconut or almond before being applied to a burn. This helps lessen the potency of the oil while still providing its healing properties. Apply it gently to the affected area using a cotton swab, avoiding any broken skin or open wounds.

4.) What precautions should I take when using lavender oil for these conditions?

Always do a patch test first to check for any allergic reaction. Dilute the lavender oil with a carrier oil before use, especially on sensitive areas. Avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes. Consult with a professional if you’re pregnant, breastfeeding, or have a serious health condition before beginning any new treatment.

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