Pineapple, soaps, and jars on a bathroom countertop, organized around a sink.

Considering an Enzyme Facial Peel? 7 Top Skin Benefits

Trying to figure out how to take more active steps toward natural skincare? Well, when it comes to facials,  enzyme facial peels are an easy way to decrease your chemical exposure, take advantage of natural skincare alternatives, and nurture your skin all at the same time.

These facial treatments aren’t your run-of-the-mill skincare routines or cosmetic facial treatments. Quite the opposite; they leverage the potent power of natural plant-based enzymes, specialized proteins that work wonders to shed dead skin cells. 

To read more in-depth information about what enzyme facials are, as well as three super DIY recipes for different skin types, check out our recent post here:

What is an Enzyme Facial? 3 DIY Enzyme Peel Recipes

Now, let’s take a look at seven amazing benefits of enzyme facial peels below.

1. Exfoliates Your Skin Naturally  

Remove dead skin cells with this gentle exfoliation method, which doesn’t require any physical exfoliation (using physical exfoliants like sugar, seeds, microbeads, etc. Physical exfoliation definitely has its place, but it’s easier to damage the skin with such methods when done incorrectly.

Instead, enzyme peels are a great way to break down the rough dead skin cells and unmask the new layer of supple skin underneath in a way that makes it less likely to damage the skin.

  • Enzyme peels primarily use fruit-derived enzymes for the exfoliation process and for smoother skin.
  • No harsh chemicals? Exactly, you can create your own DIY enzyme facial peel recipes from completely natural ingredients and enzyme exfoliants.
  • Factual nugget: Studies have shown that fruit enzymes like papain from papaya and bromelain from pineapple are effective exfoliants. 

Confused about exfoliation? Regular exfoliation sloughs off dead skin cells, helping to reveal a brighter, more youthful appearance underneath. On top of that, exfoliation boosts blood circulation, giving your face a more renewed and natural glow. Lastly, it unclogs your pores and allows for the increased absorption of the precious serums and moisturizers in your beauty routine. 

Exfoliation is key for all of these (and other) benefits, ultimately revealing new healthy skin cells. 

2. Brightens Your Complexion 

Dull skin is a problem for pretty much everyone due to habitual environmental damage and exposure. It’s not something that should be remedied merely with cover-up solutions like makeup or other options. Instead of hiding your skin behind makeup, improve your skin with natural ingredients and show off its radiant complexion. 

Enzyme facial peel treatments painlessly peel away uneven tones by sloughing away dull and dead skin while also improving circulation.  

  • Enzyme peels gently peel away surface buildup and reveal brighter skin.
  • A study published in the International Journal of Cosmetic Science suggests that enzyme peels can improve skin brightness.

3. Promotes Skin Cell Renewal 

Here’s an interesting fact – the skin naturally rejuvenates itself every 30 days. With the introduction of enzyme facial peels, this process simply gets a bit of a boost, helping the skin remove dead cells from the top layer more efficiently. But how exactly does this work to improve skin health? 

  • Inhibition: Enzyme peels inhibit the enzymes responsible for cementing dead cells to your skin’s surface. This allows the skin to be easily washed away after the facial.
  • Dissolving: After inhibiting, these enzymes (as key ingredients) also dissolve the dead skin cells, gently exfoliating the skin. Talk about multi-tasking!
  • Stimulation: Lastly, the peels stimulate the production of new cells, making the skin renewal process more efficient. 

4. Diminishes Fine Lines and Wrinkles 

In a world obsessed with age-defying methods and techniques, enzyme peels stand out, battling fine lines, wrinkles, and other signs of aging one peel at a time.

Enzyme facial peels can help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

  • Correct! Enzyme peels promote collagen production and can help promote more youthful skin.
  • Fun Fact? Studies suggest that stimulating the skin’s natural collagen can reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

As we age, our skin’s natural ability to exfoliate decreases. By stimulating cell turnover, enzyme peels slow the skin’s overall aging process.

5. Boosts Absorption of Skincare Products 

Ever painted a wall that hasn’t been primed first? The paint kind of just slides around, and it’s pretty obvious it’s not going to adhere well after drying. Now, imagine your skincare products as paint. 

Your skin and its resilient cells operate much like that unprimed wall when it’s covered in a layer of dead skin. It makes it more difficult for products to penetrate, and, in many cases, they end up simply resting on the surface. That can be rather frustrating when you’ve just invested in a natural luxury serum or spent time making a homemade lotion or face cream, isn’t it? 

Now, here’s where an enzyme facial peel can be really effective:

An enzyme facial peel acts like a super-effective broom, sweeping away the dust (aka your dead skin cells) from the surface of your skin. This allows your skincare products to penetrate deeper into your skin, helping you receive their full benefits.

  • Think about it: your nighttime deep moisturizer or antioxidant-rich serum will be able to seep into your skin, working as designed while your cells are in their nocturnal repair mode.
  • Result? Maximized absorption means maximized efficacy of your skincare products. It’s that simple.

6. Reduces Hyperpigmentation and Evens Skin Tone 

Chalk it up to sun exposure, aging, or just plain genetics, but hyperpigmentation is a common problem that plagues many of us, often making our skin appear uneven and aged. 

Enzyme facial peels work by gently exfoliating the top layer of your skin, removing the dead skin cells and promoting the growth of new, healthy ones. This process helps to reduced pigmented or damaged skin cells, leaving you with an even, glowing complexion.

Key Players against Hyperpigmentation 

Enzymes like papain (from papaya) and bromelain (from pineapple) are particularly stellar and helpful when it comes to reducing hyperpigmentation. But how exactly does that work? Let’s break it down: 

PapainHelps break down the proteins causing dark spots and improves skin texture.
BromelainAssists in removing dead skin cells, allowing new, even-toned cells to surface.

Other plant enzymes can be effectively used, like pumpkin enzymes, but papin and bromelain are two of the most popular.

7. Unclog Pores and Minimize Breakouts

Are you someone who regularly deals with acne or acne-prone skin? Enzyme facial peels can be helpful for uncloging pores and preventing breakouts.

Enzyme facial peels can help unclog pores and prevent breakouts. Now, why are enzyme peels effective at unclogging pores and minimizing breakouts? Here’s why: 

  • Exfoliation: The peeling process enables your skin to shed dead cells, a major perpetrator of clogged pores. So, these cells should be removed before they, with bacteria, make a prime environment for causing a breakout.
  • Bacteria Elimination: Bad bacteria, definitely not a supporter of healthy or clear skin. Enzyme peels have the ability to neutralize these troublemakers, reducing the chance of skin breakouts.
  • Pore Size Reduction: Enlarged pores are a gateway for dirt and oil. Enzyme peels work to reduce the size of your pores, preventing them from collecting dirt, oil, and bacteria. 

Still, there are some factors to consider: 

Factors to ConsiderExplanation
SensitivityEnzyme peels are usually more gentle on the skin. But if you have sensitive skin, tread carefully. It’s always best to seek expert advice before trying new skincare methods.
CostUnlike those fancy spa treatments that might cost an arm and a leg, enzyme peels can be a more budget-friendly alternative and can be done at home.

Studies show that enzymes like Bromelain can potentially be used for the treatment of acne, primarily due to its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. Of course, always check with your healthcare professional if you have any specific skin conditions, skin issues, or other skin problems.  


Enzyme peels are incredibly effective for healthy skin and far less likely to cause irritation vs. chemical peels. Enzymes will work to speed up chemical reactions on the upper layer of the skin and break down the keratin protein in dead skin cells, revealing healthy skin underneath. 

Enzyme Facial Peel Benefits FAQs

What are the benefits of enzyme peels for the skin?

Enzyme peels gently exfoliate, brighten dull skin, even out skin tone, unclog pores, smooth fine lines and texture, and enhance penetration of skincare products.

What results can you expect from an enzyme peel treatment?

Many see smoother, softer, more radiant skin immediately. Regular treatments increase glow, fade spots, and improve tone and texture over time.

How do enzyme peels work to exfoliate skin?

The enzymes dissolve dead skin cells and debris on the surface without abrasion. This unveils fresher skin and allows for deeper product absorption.

Are enzyme peels safe for sensitive skin?

Yes, enzyme peels provide gentle exfoliation, even for sensitive skin. They cause less irritation than scrubs or chemical peels. Always patch test first.

What ingredients are in enzyme peel solutions?

Common fruit enzyme sources are papaya, pineapple, and pumpkin. Some also contain gentle acids like lactic acid.

How often can you get an enzyme peel facial?

Enzyme peels are gentle enough for weekly or biweekly treatments. DIY peels can be done one or sometimes two times per week. Those with sensitive skin may prefer less frequent peels, closer to the once-per-month mark.

What’s the difference between enzyme peels and chemical peels?

Chemical peels use acids at higher concentrations to penetrate deeper layers of skin. Enzyme peels provide lighter exfoliation of the surface and work well for the vast majority of people.

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