Seasonal Essential Oil Blend Recipes

12 Captivating Essential Oil Blend Recipes For Every Season

With the arrival of each new season, anticipation abounds. Every season brings with it rich memories and scents that are never forgotten. There’s always that perfect smell that defines each season. Have you ever experienced memories flooding your mind after smelling some distant scent from childhood?

There are fitting essential oil blends for all four seasons of the year that you can’t go without.

So, bring on the seasonal spirit by creating your own simple festive oil blends. You can experience the sheer goodness of all your favorite seasonal scents by enjoying a variety of uniquely scented oils commonly used in aromatherapy. As the seasons come and go, it is always great to have the perfect oil blend.

Whether you’re enjoying the heat of summer or getting ready for your favorite holiday, you’ll be sure to fall in love with many of the blends on the blends below. In particular, I like warm and spicy blends for fall and sweet, refreshing floral blends for spring. We’ve prepared 12 recipes total, 3 for each season. Check them out below and enjoy!

Autumn: Brisk and Full of Spice

Autumn Oil Blends

Fall is one of the most colorful and beautiful times of the year. As the trees begin to prepare themselves for their long winter’s sleep, the vibrant colors of autumn almost have a storybook appearance. The chill of the brisk autumn breeze makes way for changing leaves and chilly, damp mornings.

With all the gorgeous colors and cool, crisp air, it’s not hard to get into the mood for autumn. But adding those fall smells and spices to your home will add to the season’s mood. By using these essential oil blends, you’ll enjoy your living space more and bring a bit of fall time into your home. So, let’s check out the blends.

Family Gathering

As fall comes around the corner, it is a time to gather together and give thanks.  This blend gives you a sense of warmth and gratefulness. This essential oil combination is great for family gatherings because it gives your home a cozy, warm, inviting aroma.


  • 3 Drops of Vanilla
  • 3 Drops of Sandalwood
  • 1 Drop of Cinnamon
  • 1 Drop of Clove

Combine the oils in your diffuser with the recommended amount of water per your diffuser’s instructions. Sit back, let the comforting aroma fill the air, and enjoy your family gathering.

Harvest’s End

As summer’s heat fades away, the year’s harvest quietly draws to a peaceful end. With earthy, scented tones and warm moods, the oils that make up this blend will surely prepare your senses for autumn bliss. This blend will prepare your senses to experience that refreshing, brisk autumn air on those quiet, foggy mornings.


  • 2 Drops Spikenard
  • 2 Drops Frankincense
  • 1 Drop Geranium
  • 1 Drop Patchouli

Combine the above oils with warm water in your diffuser for an experience suitable for delicately carrying you into the cooler days of fall.

Mountain Frost

This blend, in particular, is inspired by the cold, crisp frost that covers the mountains on the coolest days of autumn. If you’re looking for an oil blend that gets you in the mood to explore frosted woodlands on those cool autumn mornings, this blend will satisfy you.


  • 2 Drops of Pine
  • 1 Drop of Rosemary
  • 3 Drops of Frankincense
  • 1 Drop of Cedarwood

Combine your oils together with warm water.  Allow the aroma to fill the air and take in the mingled scents that will awaken you to frosty mountains and brisk morning air.

 Winter: Festive and Cozy 

Winter Oil Blends

As the Christmas season draws nearer, you can transform the experience in your living space with warm, inviting scents. Whether you’re relaxing inside on the couch watching the snow fall or out on the farm with your family, choosing the perfect tree, you can’t help but feel the anticipation and excitement of Christmas.

While you are hosting your holiday party or decorating the tree, you will want your home to be filled with the festive scents we all associate with Christmas. With these easy holiday oil blends, the whole family will be filled with the comfort and warmth we so often associate with this part of the year.

But remember, Christmas is only one part of the winter season. Be sure to try other scents and blends throughout all of the cold winter months. Whether sipping cider or enjoying a hot brew of morning coffee, so many blends are sure to fill you with warmth. Try out these festive and cozy blends as you enjoy the entire season of winter.

Home for the Holidays

This wonderfully scented blend prepares your home for the holidays. Whether snuggling on the couch by the fire or hosting your family Christmas party, this holiday blend is perfect for filling your home with scents that you and your guests find quite inviting. This oil blend is so inviting and warm that it would even soften up Mr. Scrooge!


  • 5 Drops of Cinnamon
  • 3 Drops of Vanilla
  • 2 Drops of Nutmeg
  • 6 Drops of Sweet Orange

Combine all oils with warm water in a diffuser. Let the warm and festive fragrance fill your home with an appeal that is sure to make your family feel welcome and comfortable.

Winter Woods

This oil blend is inspired by the view of freshly fallen snow in the heart of a snowy forest. The crisp smells of pines and firs mixed with the new-fallen snow will give you the true feeling of winter.

Blending the oils in this recipe will make you feel like you are stepping right into a snow-covered enchanted woodland.


  •  3-4 Drops of Pine
  • 3 Drops of Black Spruce
  • 3 Drops of Cedarwood

Add all oils to a diffuser with warm water and enjoy. Diffuse these oils for a refreshing winter woodland experience.

Let It Snow!

There’s nothing better than sitting by the window watching delicately beautiful snowflakes cover the ground, creating a white winter wonderland. As each glittering snowflake dances in the cold winter air, you can’t help but be in wonder at all the captivating beauty.

Remember that excitement as a child? Remember those laid-back winter mornings of hot chocolate? Go ahead and relax, close your eyes, and smell the warm, cozy scents of white winter mornings. Grab a warm blanket, make some hot chocolate, and get your oil diffuser. It’s time to sit back and let it snow!


  • 3 Drops of Sweet Orange
  • 1 Drop of Myrrh
  • 1 Drop of Clove
  • 1 Drop of Nutmeg
  • 1 Drop of Cardamom

Blend together your oils and water into your oil diffuser. Allow the spicy aroma to swirl through the air as you sit back and relax. This winter essential oil recipe is perfect for a snowy day because of its hints of spice and citrus that allow you to feel warm from the inside out while leaving you with a bit of anticipation. Add a drop of spearmint for a refreshing fragrance note.

Spring: Forest’s Dew and Life’s Awakening

Spring Oil Blends

As spring unfolds, there’s a sense of exhilaration in the air. Flowers and trees are blooming, and birds begin to sing as they welcome the new season. After a long winter’s rest, nature slowly comes back to life.

It’s the season of feeling fresh and new. An abundance of wonderful scents fills the air as new life begins to grow. With all the sweet and floral scents that spring brings, it will make you want to fill your own home with the scents of the new season.

Filling your home with the scent of spring with essential oils is easy. There are hundreds of springtime blends you could try with all the different fresh and floral essential oil scents available. The options when exploring all the different springtime essential oil blends are literally endless. Let’s take a look at a few blends.

Spring Cleaning

With all of the fresh new beginnings in the air, you may feel the house needs a good tidying up. It’s always a great feeling to clean out the house in springtime, preparing it for all the business of the year to come.

Everyone loves a fresh, clean-smelling house in the spring. Using aromatic scents to freshen up the house gives your home that clean spring freshness we all love.


  • 3 Drops of Lavender
  • 2 Drops of Rosemary
  • 3 Drops of Lemon
  • 3 Drops of Lime

Add these fresh-smelling oils to your diffuser. Pour in water and turn on your diffuser. As you begin to do your spring cleaning, allow the amazingly fresh scent to fill your home.

April Showers

April showers bring May flowers, as well as a lot of pleasant scents too. There’s nothing like the smell of spring rain. As each and every drop of rain falls, it only adds to the beauty and ambiance of the new season.

Listening to the gentle rainfall on a spring night as you drift asleep is one of the most relaxing experiences. The sounds of crickets, a steady rain, and distant rolling thunder are happily welcomed at this time of the year.

This oil blend is inspired by the wonderful cleansing scent of a gentle spring rain. This relaxing blend allows you to experience a fresh spring rain anytime.


  • 1 Dorp of Rose
  • 2 Drops of Lemon
  • 1 Drop of Ylang Ylang
  • 1 Drop of Rosemary
  • 3 Drops of Vetiver

Add all your oils and water into an essential oil diffuser and enjoy springtime indoors on those rainy days that can’t be spent outside.

Delicate Blossom

Spring is often known as the flower season. This is because thousands of different flowers bloom in all shapes, sizes, and varieties. Whether you have flowers coming to bloom in flowerpots or wild dogwoods blossoming in the woods, you will always be surrounded by flowers in the spring.

It’s the time of year when winter is past, windows are opened, and seeds are sown. The long-awaited hope of venturing back out into the warmth of the sun is now a reality. Gardens are planted, bees are busy, and innumerable flower varieties begin to blossom.

This recipe was created to give your home that wonderfully suitable floral springtime scent. With the scents of lavender, rose, and others, you’ll fill your home with some of the best floral smells of spring.


  • 3 Drops of Lavender
  • 2 Drops of Ylang Ylang
  • 5 Drops of Rose
  • 4 Drops of Vetiver
  • 5 Drops of Neroli

Add oils and water to a diffuser and enjoy. Allow the floral aroma to fill the air with the intoxicating scent of blossoming flowers.

 Summer: Radiantly Sunny and Fun Memories

Summer Oil Blends

Summer is the time for fun! With the sun high in the sky and all those chilly days gone, it’s time to kick back, throw on your sunglasses, and enjoy the heat.

There are so many ways to enjoy summer. Whether you vacation at the beach or spend the day at the pool, the fun is endless.

Whatever enjoyable activities keep you busy this time of the year, summer is also filled with wonderful tastes and smells. From the smell of sunscreen to the taste of watermelon, summer is here!

With these three summertime essential oil blends, your home will be filled with the summer mood. You can mix these oils to bring out the sun in your home even on gloomy and rainy days,  So don’t let those rainy days take the joy of summer away. Try out the summertime blends below.

Hawaiian Vacation

Who wouldn’t love to go to Hawaii for their summer vacation? The beautiful landscapes, the clear blue ocean water, and the delicious tasting food are just some of the fantastic reasons for its popularity.

One thing about Hawaii is that it’s not always the easiest choice for a family getaway. It’s not only quite pricey but also so far away! The thought of purchasing tickets, getting on a plane, and packing is somewhat burdensome during this time of the year, isn’t it?

If it’s not the right time for you to take a trip to Hawaii this summer (or any summer), why not bring a little aloha to your home? It may not be quite the same as an elaborate vacation, but by diffusing this simple recipe, it can bring that tropical sensation to the comfort of your home.

So, get your oils out and enjoy the bliss of an island vacation! Not quite, but at least you can hope and imagine. If you’re serious about creating that blissful tropical mood, go ahead and make a few Pina Coladas, too.


  • 4 Drops of Sweet Orang
  • 2 Drops of Ylang-Ylang
  • 1 Drop of Sandalwood
  • 2 Drops of Patchouli

In your diffuser, combine the oils and water. Now, sit back, relax, and enjoy your little taste of Hawaii!

Sunny Days

There are always beautiful sunny days during this time of the year. Whether you are going on a picnic with your family or relaxing at the pool, there are plenty of ways to enjoy the sun.

Happiness is one emotion that comes to mind when you think of sunshine. Simply looking out the window on a sunny day can create happiness and joy.

This oil blend will give you some sunshine, even on a rainy day. Inspired by the joy of sunshine, this blend will boost your mood and banish the gloominess of a cloudy day.


  • 3 Drops of Burgmont
  • 3-4 Drops of Lavender
  • 2 Drops of Geranium
  • 1 Drop of Lemon

Combine the oils and water together in your oil diffuser. Allow the sunshine-inspired aroma to fill the air and chase the rainy blues away!

Flowery Fields

Have you ever walked through a field of flowers? Earthy hints of floral smells bounce through the warm summertime air. As you walk through the flowery fields and hear the birds singing and the crickets chirping, you can’t help but feel full of joy and contentment.

However, not everyone has the time or the ability to stroll through a country field. Using this essential oil blend gives you the delightful sensation of running through a blossoming meadow full of flowers.

This floral blend includes hints of lavender and chamomile scents that are sure to please. Since this blend is truly irresistible and delightful, you’ll certainly want to make it a common summertime essential oil blend recipe!


  • 3 Drops of Lavender
  • 2 Drops of Geranium
  • 1 Drop of Rose
  • 2 Drops of Roman Chamomile

Add the oils to your diffuser with warm water and be surrounded by the aroma of fresh, delicate flowers.

Final Thoughts

It’s always a good idea to have the perfect essential oil blend recipe in winter, spring, summer, or fall. Ushering in the seasons with your favorite essential oil blends will keep your home in sync with the seasons and add favorable variation to your living space with aromatherapy.

Whether you’re celebrating a holiday party or spending the day with your family, having a naturally scented house will bring the season spirit to anyone who walks through the door.

Seasonal Essential Oil Blends FAQs

What are some essential oil blend recipes for spring?

For spring, try a blend that promotes freshness and renewal, such as a combination of floral and citrus oils like lavender, bergamot, and lemon.

Can you suggest a summer essential oil blend?

A summer blend can be light and uplifting, with oils like peppermint, lemon, and eucalyptus to evoke the coolness of a summer breeze.

What essential oils are good for an autumn blend?

Autumn blends often feature warm, spicy oils such as cinnamon, clove, and orange to reflect the cozy atmosphere of the season.

How about a winter essential oil recipe?

Winter blends may include rich, earthy oils like pine, cedarwood, and frankincense to bring about a sense of warmth and comfort during the cold days.

How many drops of each oil should I use in a blend?

Start with a few drops of each oil and adjust according to your scent preference. A common ratio is 3-5 drops total per 100ml (roughly 3.5 oz) of water in a diffuser.

What carrier oil can I use for the topical application of these blends?

Jojoba, coconut, or sweet almond oil are great carrier oils for diluting essential oils for topical use. Also, consider making DIY body butter, dish detergent, or homemade soaps that use these blends.

Can I use these blends in a bath?

You can add a few drops of the blend to a carrier oil, bath salt, or bath powder before adding it to your bathwater.

Are these blends safe to use around pets?

Some essential oils can be toxic to pets. It’s best to consult with a veterinarian before using essential oils around animals.

Can these essential oil blends help with sleep?

Blends that include lavender or chamomile can be particularly soothing and may help with sleep.

How should I store my essential oil blends?

Store them in a cool, dark place in a sealed container, preferably made of dark glass, to protect them from light degradation.

Do these blends work in any diffuser?

Yes, essential oil blends can be used in ultrasonic or nebulizing diffusers. Be careful only to add essential oils and water to your diffuser; don’t add other ingredients.

Can I make these blends ahead of time?

Yes, you can pre-mix and store your blends for future use, ensuring they are properly labeled and stored.

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