Glass of almond milk, raw almonds, and lavender petals on top of a marble countertop.

Benefits of Almond Milk for Skin: 3 Nourishing DIY Recipes

Almond milk has established a unique position in the realm of skincare, replete with traits that promote healthier, more nurtured skin.

For centuries, almonds have been prized for their nutritional content, and now almond milk offers a convenient way to deliver these benefits directly to your skin. It has a natural composition with hydrating properties that keep your skin supple.

Rich in antioxidants, almond milk combats the environmental stressors that accelerate the aging process.

In addition to its moisturizing and age-defying benefits, almond milk brings gentle cleansing action. It can serve as a mild yet effective cleanser, leaving your skin feeling refreshed and smooth without stripping it of its natural oils. The result is soft, nourished, moisturized skin.

Almond Milk Skin Benefits

Almond milk is a nutritious addition to your skincare routine, offering multiple skin health benefits. It’s a source of essential nutrients that can help combat oxidative stress, improve hydration, and soothe sensitive skin. Not only that, it’s a great additive to DIY skincare recipes since it’s light, hydrating, and gentle.

Antioxidant Properties

Almond milk contains antioxidants such as vitamin E, which help protect your skin from damage by neutralizing free radicals.

These radicals can cause oxidative stress, which accelerates skin aging. You can help nourish your skin and maintain its natural barrier against environmental stressors by including almond milk in your skincare products.

Hydration and Suppleness

The fats in almond milk serve as an emollient, providing hydration and helping to keep your skin supple and plump.

Regular use can lead to skin that feels more nourished and maintains a hydrated, youthful appearance.

Anti-inflammatory Benefits

For those with sensitive skin or conditions like acne, almond milk can offer soothing benefits due to its anti-inflammatory properties.

It can help reduce redness and calm inflammation, contributing to healthier skin overall.

Anti-Aging Effects

Almond milk may be beneficial in combating the signs of aging, such as wrinkles and fine lines, when used regularly.

Its skin-friendly nutrients help to hydrate and promote collagen formation, aiding in skin elasticity and strength, which can reduce the appearance of aging on your skin.

Skincare and 3 DIY Almond Milk Recipes

You can opt for home-prepared DIY skincare mixtures or commercial almond milk-infused products when incorporating almond milk into your skincare routine.

Known for its soothing and nourishing properties, almond milk can be combined with other skin-friendly ingredients that you might already have at home. Let’s take a look at a few easy recipes.

1.) DIY Almond Milk and Aloe Face Mask:

Combine 2 tablespoons of almond milk with 1 tablespoon of aloe vera gel for a hydrating and healing face mask. Apply to your skin for 10-15 minutes before rinsing off with lukewarm water.

For a calming effect, mix in a few drops of lavender essential oil or another if you prefer. This light and hydrating recipe is fantastic for soothing the skin.

2.) DIY Almond Milk and Manuka Honey Mask:

Combine 2 tablespoons of almond milk with 1 tablespoon of manuka honey.

Optionally, you can add a teaspoon of colloidal oatmeal for a thicker consistency, in addition to a few drops of your favorite essential oil for scent. For acne-prone skin, tea tree oil is quite effective, as demonstrated in multiple studies.

3.) Almond Milk, Lavender, and Coconut Oil Moisturizer:

Blend homemade almond milk with coconut oil to create a custom moisturizer. This easy DIY recipe provides essential hydration and creates a barrier to lock in moisture.


  • 1/4 cup almond milk
  • 1/4 cup coconut oil
  • 10 drops lavender essential oil (optional)

Combine the almond milk and coconut oil in a small bowl or glass jar. Heat the jar by placing it in a pan of simmering water until the coconut oil melts. This should take 5-10 minutes. Once melted, stir the ingredients together until fully combined. Once the mixture has cooled but not yet hardened, add your selection of essential oils.

Store the moisturizer in an airtight container. It will solidify once cooled but liquefy in contact with the skin.

The almond milk helps hydrate skin while the coconut oil provides deep moisturization. This simple, 2-ingredient moisturizer leaves skin smooth, soft, and nourished. The addition of lavender oil gives it a lovely, soothing fragrance.

Additional Skincare Applications

As we mentioned above, almond milk can be found in various skincare products on the market, ranging from face washes to lotions. When you choose these products, you’re opting for a gentle, often vegan, alternative to traditional skincare ingredients.

  • Face Wash: Find a face wash that lists almond milk as a key ingredient, which can offer a gentle cleansing experience suitable for most skin types. Even better, make your own face wash and use almond milk in the recipe instead of water.
  • Creams and Lotions: Skincare products like creams and lotions containing almond milk can help hydrate the skin deeply, leaving it soft and supple.

Nutritional Profile of Almond Milk

Now that we’ve covered how almond milk can be used topically let’s take a look at its nutritional profile as a healthy beverage. After all, diet is a major contributing factor to the overall condition of your skin, so it’s worth taking a moment to review the benefits.

Rich in Vitamins and Minerals

Almond milk is a treasure trove of vital vitamins and minerals.

  • It’s enriched with vitamin E, a potent antioxidant that supports skin health, and often fortified with vitamin D, which can bolster bone strength.
  • The calcium content in almond milk is impressive, often matching or exceeding that found in dairy milk. Our family loves plant milk varieties since we have a lot of dairy sensitivities. Almond milk is a great option for individuals or families with dairy sensitivities.
  • Other noteworthy minerals found in almond milk include magnesium, potassium, and zinc.

Low in Sugars, Calories, and Healthy Fats

Almond milk stands out as a low-calorie alternative to traditional dairy, providing a way to enjoy a creamy beverage without a high-calorie intake. Again, this is particularly appealing if you’re watching your calorie intake or seeking a healthy alternative to cow’s milk.

In addition to being low in calories, unsweetened almond milk is also low in sugars at a fraction of the sugar content of a glass of cow’s milk. Why drink beverages that are high in sugar when we aren’t splurging?

Instead, a beverage like almond milk can quench your hydration and provide some good vitamins and minerals, all without a needless intake of additional sugars.

What about the fat content?

  • Almond milk contains polyunsaturated fats like omega-3s and omega-6s
  • It’s low in saturated fat compared to whole almonds since the milk is diluted with water during production.
  • Fat content and types vary by brand, based on ingredients. Check labels for details, especially if you have dietary restrictions.

Protein and Carbohydrate Content

While almond milk is not as protein-rich as cow’s milk, it does offer an amount that can contribute to your daily protein needs—a bonus for those on a plant-based diet. When it comes to plant milk protein vs. dairy protein, our society has a fixation on dairy protein and protein in general.

Our family’s stance on that is that we don’t need nearly as much protein as many health gurus and low-carb diet promoters claim.

Carbohydrate-wise, unsweetened almond milk is low in carbs, making it a suitable choice if you’re looking for a light and refreshing beverage.

Advantages for Individuals With Dietary Restrictions

As mentioned earlier, almond milk is an excellent dairy-free and lactose-free option if you’re vegan, have lactose intolerance, or have other dairy-related allergies.

It’s plant-based, making it a staple for vegans and those who are intolerant to dairy products without compromising nutrition and taste.

Homemade Unsweetened Almond Milk Recipe

Creating homemade almond milk allows you to enjoy a fresh, nutritious beverage free from the preservatives found in commercial brands. For this same reason, we recommend making your own, especially when used in your own homemade skincare products.


  • 1 cup raw almonds
  • 4 cups filtered water (5 cups for thinner consistency)


  1. Rinse the almonds and remove any shells or debris.
  2. Add the almonds to a bowl and cover with water. Let soak for 8-12 hours to soften.
  3. Drain and rinse the almonds well. Discard the soak water.
  4. Add the almonds and 4 cups of filtered water to a high-powered blender.
  5. Blend on high for 2-3 minutes until the almonds are finely ground and the water turns milky white.
  6. Optional: Line a fine mesh strainer with cheesecloth and strain the almond pulp from the milk. Twist the cheesecloth to squeeze out all the moisture.
  7. Transfer the freshly made almond milk to an airtight jar and store it in the refrigerator for up to one week.
  8. Shake or stir the milk before drinking to recombine the ingredients.
  9. Use the homemade unsweetened almond milk in smoothies or overnight oats, or enjoy it plain.

The 1:4 almond-to-water ratio creates a milk-like consistency. Feel free to tweak the proportions to suit your tastes.

Don’t have 8 hours to soak the almonds? If you don’t have time to soak the almonds for 8-12 hours, you can simply blend them to a fine almond powder, mix them with the water, then blend the almond and water mixture a final time for a smooth consistency.

Enjoy this simple, wholesome, homemade plant milk as a beverage (more on that below) or in any of the skincare recipes we mentioned earlier.

Customization of Taste and Nutrition

For a vegan and dairy-free treat, you can add honey or another natural sweetener of your choice if you prefer a hint of sweetness. If you’re monitoring your sugar intake, leaving your almond milk unsweetened ensures a nutritious drink without added sugars. Also, you can add vanilla, cinnamon, nutmeg, or any other flavors as desired.

Warm cinnamon and honey almond milk is fantastic around the holidays, especially in the morning. Don’t overdo it with the sweeteners, though!

Benefits of Almond Milk for Skin FAQs

Almond milk offers various dermatological benefits, from soothing sensitivity to promoting a clear complexion. Discover how it can enhance your skin health through these common inquiries.

What are the benefits of using almond milk on the skin?

Almond milk is known to soothe sensitive skin, help reduce redness and irritation, and can even aid in relieving sunburned skin more quickly.

Can almond milk be used for skin whitening, and is it effective?

While almond milk may brighten the skin due to its vitamin E content, it is not a skin-whitening product.

How can almond milk improve skin conditions such as eczema?

Almond milk has emollient properties that can help moisturize and alleviate the dryness associated with eczema. Its anti-inflammatory qualities can also help reduce eczema-related inflammation.

That said, eczema can be very tricky because if you take ten eczema sufferers, they’ll likely all have differing triggers for flare-ups.

We’ve discovered that in our own family. What doesn’t cause a flare-up for one person may cause a flare-up for another. So, always patch-test a small area first.

How should one apply almond milk to the skin for best results?

For best results, apply almond milk directly to the skin with a cotton ball or as part of a homemade mask (see recipes earlier in this post). Let it sit for a few minutes before rinsing for a hydrating effect.

Are there any side effects to using almond milk on the skin?

Almond milk is generally safe for topical use; however, those with nut allergies should avoid it as it may cause allergic reactions. Again, always patch test before applying widely.

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