Can you freeze apple cider? Two glasses of apple cider on a kitchen countertop with ice.

Can You Freeze Apple Cider? Tips and Tricks for Freezing

Apple cider is a beloved beverage that is enjoyed by many during the fall season. However, it is not uncommon for individuals to have leftover apple cider that they want to preserve for future use. One option is to freeze the apple cider, but many people wonder if it is possible to do so without compromising the quality and taste.

Apple cider is a non-alcoholic beverage made from fresh apples that are pressed to extract the juice. It is often enjoyed hot or cold and can be served with spices such as cinnamon and nutmeg. The taste of apple cider can vary depending on the type of apples used, the method of production, and any additional ingredients.

Why Freeze Apple Cider?

Freezing apple cider is a convenient way to preserve the beverage for future use. It can be used in recipes or enjoyed on its own at a later time. However, individuals may be hesitant to freeze apple cider due to concerns about the quality and taste after freezing.

Key Takeaways

  • Apple cider is a non-alcoholic beverage made from fresh apples.
  • Freezing apple cider is a convenient way to preserve it for future use.
  • Proper preparation, storage, and thawing can help maintain the quality and taste of frozen apple cider.

Understanding Apple Cider

Apple cider is a non-alcoholic beverage made from apples, which are harvested, pressed, and then filtered to remove any solids, including seeds. The resulting juice is then pasteurized (in most cases, there are exceptions) to ensure that it is safe to drink. Apple cider is a popular drink in the United States and Canada, especially during the fall season.

There are two types of apple cider

  • Sweet cider: A non-alcoholic cider that is often sold in stores and at farmers’ markets. It is a popular drink for children and adults alike.
  • Hard cider: An alcoholic cider that is made by fermenting apple juice. It is also known as “fermented apple cider.”

In the United States, apple cider is often sweetened with sugar or other sweeteners to make it more palatable. In Canada, however, apple cider is usually left unsweetened. Sweetened apple cider is sometimes referred to as “filtered” or “sweetened” cider.

Served hot, apple cider is quite the treat, especially on a brisk, cool Autumn or Winter day.

Our kids love it, and it makes the entire house smell amazing. For some extra flavor, you can experiment with slowly heating it on the stove with a few orange or lemon peels. The citrus flavor adds some variety and smells amazing.

Beyond that, there are so many uses for apple cider, especially in a wide variety of baking recipes, as well as for making apple cider vinegar. Here are just a few broad uses:

Simple uses for apple cider in cooking:

There are so many uses for apple cider. You could swap in apple cider for just about any baking recipe that calls for milk or water just to experiment and add some extra flavor. Want to try adding it to your favorite cake recipe? Go for it. How about trying something new for your favorite turkey marinade around Thanksgiving time?

Here are a few ways to use apple cider, though the options are almost endless.

MarinadeUse apple cider as a base for a marinade for pork, chicken, or turkey.
GlazeMix apple cider with brown sugar, honey, or maple syrup for a sweet glaze for ham or roasted vegetables.
Salad dressingCombine apple cider with olive oil, Dijon mustard, and honey for a tangy salad dressing.
Braising liquidUse apple cider as a braising liquid for pork chops or beef brisket.
BakingUse apple cider in place of milk or water in recipes for cakes, muffins, or quick breads.
CocktailsMix apple cider with bourbon, spiced rum, or sparkling wine for a festive fall cocktail.

Try out some of the above uses, then experiment with others we haven’t listed. You won’t regret it. Also, we’ll list more reasons in another section below!

Why Freeze Apple Cider

Apple cider is a popular drink during the winter months, especially during festive holidays. However, sometimes there may be leftover apple cider that needs to be stored for later use. Freezing apple cider is an excellent way to preserve it for later use.

Freezing apple cider is an easy and convenient way to store it.

It can be stored in the freezer for up to six months without losing any of its flavor or quality.

Moreover, freezing apple cider is a great way to keep it fresh and prevent it from spoiling.

Freezing apple cider is also a great way to have a festive drink on hand at any time. It can be used to make hot apple cider, which is perfect for those cold winter nights. Additionally, frozen apple cider can be used to make apple cider cocktails, which are great for entertaining guests.

Overall, freezing apple cider is an excellent way to store leftover apple cider and have a festive drink on hand during the winter months. It is easy and convenient and ensures that the apple cider stays fresh and flavorful.

Preparation Before Freezing: Simple Tips

Before freezing apple cider, it is important to ensure that it is at room temperature or cooler. This will help to prevent any condensation from forming when the cider is placed in the freezer.

  1. When selecting a container to freeze the apple cider in, it is important to choose one that is freezer-safe. Glass and plastic containers are both good options, but it is important to ensure that the container is airtight to prevent freezer burn. Airtight containers, such as Tupperware or plastic containers with tight-fitting lids, are recommended.
  2. Another option is to use silicone muffin pan liners to freeze the apple cider. These liners are flexible and can be easily popped out of the freezer once the cider is frozen.
  3. It is important to label the container or liners with the date of freezing and the contents. This will help to ensure that the cider is used before it goes bad and will also help to prevent confusion in the freezer.

Overall, taking these steps will help to ensure that the apple cider is properly prepared before freezing and will help to maintain its quality and freshness.

How to Freeze Apple Cider

Now that we’ve discussed the benefits of freezing apple cider, let’s take a look at the process.

  1. Choose the right container: It’s essential to use a freezer-safe container to prevent the cider from getting freezer burn. Airtight containers, freezer bags, and freezer-safe glass jars are all excellent options.
  2. Leave some space: When freezing apple cider, make sure to leave some space at the top of the container. This will allow the liquid to expand as it freezes without damaging the container.
  3. Label the container: Don’t forget to label the container with the date and contents. This will help you keep track of what’s in your freezer and when it was frozen.
  4. Freeze the cider: Place the container of apple cider in the freezer and leave it until it’s frozen solid. Depending on the size of the container, this could take several hours or even overnight.
  5. Thaw the cider: When you’re ready to enjoy your frozen apple cider, remove it from the freezer and let it thaw in the refrigerator. It’s best to thaw it slowly to preserve its flavor and prevent any separation.
  6. Serve and enjoy: Once the cider is thawed, give it a good stir and serve it chilled. It’s perfect for sipping on a hot day or as a base for a delicious fall cocktail, recipe, or one of the other uses mentioned previously.

By following these simple steps, you can freeze your apple cider with confidence and enjoy it whenever you like.

Storing Frozen Apple Cider

To store frozen apple cider, it is important to take certain precautions to ensure that it maintains its quality and flavor. Freezing apple cider is a great way to extend its shelf life and enjoy it throughout the year. However, improper storage can lead to freezer burn, loss of flavor, or worse.

When storing frozen apple cider, it is important to keep it in a freezer-safe container with a tight-fitting lid. This will help prevent odors from the freezer from seeping into the cider and affecting its taste. It is also important to store the cider at a constant temperature of 0°F or below to prevent freezer burn.

The shelf life of frozen apple cider can vary depending on the quality of the cider and how it was stored.

Generally, frozen apple cider should be consumed within 6-8 months for best quality.

It is also important to check the expiration date on the cider before freezing it.

To prevent freezer burn, it is important to remove as much air as possible from the container before freezing. This can be done by filling the container to the top and leaving only a small amount of space for expansion. It is also important to store the container at the bottom of the freezer, where the temperature is the most constant.

In summary, storing frozen apple cider requires proper container selection, constant temperature, and careful attention to freezer burn prevention. By following these tips, you can enjoy delicious apple cider all year round.

Thawing and Using Frozen Apple Cider

When it comes to thawing frozen apple cider, there are a few options to consider. The recommended method is to thaw the cider in the refrigerator overnight. Simply take the frozen apple cider out of the freezer and place it in the fridge to thaw. This method ensures that the cider thaws slowly and safely without any risk of bacterial growth.

  • If you’re in a rush and need to thaw the apple cider quickly, you can also use a microwave. Place the frozen cider in a microwave-safe container and heat it on the defrost setting for a few minutes. Be sure to stir the cider every 30 seconds to ensure even thawing.
  • Once the apple cider is thawed, it can be stored in the refrigerator for up to a week. If you don’t plan on using the cider right away, it’s best to freeze it again until you’re ready to use it.
  • Thawed apple cider can be used in a variety of ways, including as a drink, marinade, or ingredient in recipes. It’s important to note that thawed cider may have a slightly different taste and texture than fresh cider, but it can still be enjoyed just as much. 99% of people won’t notice any difference at all, and our family definitely doesn’t notice any difference.

Overall, whether you choose to thaw your frozen apple cider in the fridge, microwave it, or use a different method, it’s important to handle it safely and store it properly so it tastes fresh.

Quality and Taste After Freezing

When it comes to freezing apple cider, the quality and taste can be affected. Freezing can cause changes in the texture, flavor, and color of the cider. However, if done correctly, the changes can be minimal, and the cider can still be enjoyable.


One of the main concerns when freezing apple cider is the texture. Freezing can cause the cider to become grainy or gritty. This is due to the separation of the liquid and the solids in the cider. When the cider thaws, the solids can settle at the bottom and create a bit of sediment. To minimize this, it is recommended to stir the cider before freezing and after thawing.

Taste and Flavor

Another concern is the taste and flavor. Freezing can cause the cider to lose some of its flavor and become less sweet. However, this can be minimized by using airtight containers or freezer bags to prevent air from entering and oxidizing the cider. It is also recommended to freeze the cider as soon as possible after purchase to maintain its freshness.


Color can also be affected by freezing. The cider may become darker or have a cloudy appearance due to the separation of the liquid and solids. However, this does not affect the taste or quality of the cider.

In some cases, ice crystals can also form in the cider when it is frozen. This can affect the texture and taste of the cider. To prevent this, it is recommended to freeze the cider in small portions or ice cube trays to allow for quicker freezing and thawing.

In summary, freezing apple cider can affect its quality and taste, but it can still be enjoyable if done correctly. To minimize changes in texture, flavor, and color, it is recommended to stir the cider before freezing and after thawing, use airtight containers or freezer bags, freeze the cider as soon as possible after purchase, and freeze in small portions or ice cube trays to prevent the formation of ice crystals.

Incorporating Frozen Apple Cider into Recipes

Frozen apple cider can be a versatile ingredient to use in a variety of recipes. Here are some ideas for incorporating it into your cooking and baking:


Frozen apple cider can be used in place of regular apple cider in baked goods like muffins, cakes, and breads. It can add a concentrated apple flavor and sweetness to your baked goods. Simply thaw the frozen cider and use it in your recipe as you would regular cider.

Salad Dressing

Frozen apple cider can be used to make a delicious salad dressing. Mix thawed frozen cider with olive oil, vinegar, and your favorite spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves to create a unique and flavorful dressing for your salads.


Frozen apple cider can also be used to make delicious cocktails. Mix it with sparkling water and your favorite spirit, like bourbon or rum, for a refreshing fall-inspired drink. Add some cinnamon and nutmeg to give it an extra kick of flavor.


Frozen apple cider can be a great addition to smoothies. Blend it with your favorite fruits like bananas, berries, and apples for a healthy and flavorful smoothie. Or, we’ve found that blending it with leafy greens like spinach, collard greens, or kale is a great way to get more greens into the little ones. Add some spices like cinnamon and nutmeg for an extra boost of flavor, especially in Fall time.

Overall, frozen apple cider can be a great ingredient to experiment with in your cooking and baking. It can add a unique and delicious apple flavor to a variety of dishes.

Safety Considerations and Precautions

When it comes to freezing apple cider, there are some important safety considerations and precautions to keep in mind. First and foremost, it is important to ensure that the container in which the apple cider is stored is freezer-friendly. Glass containers may crack or shatter when exposed to extreme temperatures, so it is best to use plastic containers that are specifically designed for freezer use.

Another important consideration is the potential for liquid to spill out or leak during the freezing process. It is important to leave some room at the top of the container to allow for expansion as the liquid freezes. This will help prevent the container from bursting and causing a mess in the freezer.

In addition to these practical concerns, there are also potential safety issues related to the consumption of frozen apple cider. Bacteria can still grow in frozen liquids, so it is important to take precautions to prevent spoilage. It is recommended to consume frozen apple cider within 6 months of freezing to ensure its quality and safety.

To prevent spoilage, it is important to handle the apple cider carefully before freezing. Make sure the liquid is thoroughly chilled before placing it in the freezer. Additionally, it is important to take precautions to prevent contamination, such as washing hands and using clean utensils and containers.

Overall, with proper precautions and careful handling, freezing apple cider can be a safe and convenient way to preserve this delicious beverage for later consumption.


In conclusion, freezing apple cider is a simple and effective way to extend its shelf life and enjoy it year-round. When properly stored, frozen apple cider can maintain its taste and quality for up to a year, but it’s recommended to use in 6 months.

It is important to note that the texture and consistency of the cider may change slightly after freezing, but this does not affect the taste or nutritional value. Additionally, it is recommended to freeze apple cider in airtight containers or freezer bags to prevent freezer burn and maintain freshness.

Overall, freezing apple cider is a great option for those who want to enjoy the taste of fresh cider throughout the year. With proper storage and handling, frozen apple cider can be a delicious and convenient addition to any meal or occasion.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you properly freeze apple cider?

To freeze apple cider, pour it into a freezer-safe container, leaving some room at the top for expansion. Seal the container tightly and label it with the date. Place the container in the freezer and freeze for up to 6-12 months.

Can you freeze apple cider in plastic bottles?

Yes, you can freeze apple cider in plastic bottles, but make sure to leave some room at the top for expansion. It is also recommended to use thicker plastic bottles in the freezer to prevent cracking or breaking.

What happens when apple cider is accidentally frozen?

When apple cider is accidentally frozen, the liquid expands and can cause the container to burst. This can lead to a loss of quality and flavor in the cider.

How long does frozen apple cider last?

Frozen apple cider can last up to 6-12 months if stored properly in a freezer-safe container.

Does freezing apple cider affect its taste?

Freezing apple cider can affect its taste and texture. The cider may become slightly watery or lose some of its flavor, but it should still be safe to consume. We almost never notice a difference in flavor. If you do notice a difference, heat it up with some orange zest, lemon zest, cinnamon, or nutmeg for extra flavor.

What is the best way to thaw frozen apple cider?

The best way to thaw frozen apple cider is to place it in the refrigerator overnight. Alternatively, you can place the container in a bowl of cold water to speed up the thawing process.

Can I use frozen apple cider for cooking or baking?

Yes, frozen apple cider can be used for cooking or baking. Use it in place of water or milk in most recipes. When swapping it with water, you could use a bit less sugar than the recipe recommends since apple cider naturally contains sugar.

Are there any special considerations for hard cider or alcoholic cider?

Yes, there are special considerations for hard cider or alcoholic cider. Freezing can affect the alcohol content and flavor of hard cider, so freezing it is not recommended.

Can you freeze freshly squeezed apple juice?

Yes, freshly squeezed apple juice can be frozen using the same method as apple cider. We purchase cider locally, and that’s precisely what it is: freshly squeezed apple juice from local apples.

Can I refreeze apple cider after thawing it?

No, it is not recommended to refreeze apple cider after thawing it, as it can affect the taste and quality of the cider. Furthermore, there’s a greater risk of bacterial growth.

Can I use frozen apple cider to make apple cider vinegar?

Yes, frozen apple cider can be used to make apple cider vinegar. However, the freezing process may affect the fermentation process, so it is recommended to use fresh cider for best results.

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