Man with back turned looking out window at mountains behind bathroom counter.

Homemade Men’s Deodorant: 3 Natural DIY Recipes

Whether you’re a wife making a special healthy deodorant blend for your husband or just a guy looking for a healthy alternative to store-bought deodorant, we’ve put together three easy DIY deodorant recipes you’ll love. The great thing about DIY deodorant is its ability to be customized to your preferences and needs.

Why Homemade Men’s Deodorant is Best

When it comes to personal care, it’s not all about the scent but also what you are putting onto your skin. Absorbing harmful ingredients from conventional deodorant could lead to undesired health effects. Not to mention, sometimes the scents of conventional deodorants are absolutely terrible, leaving you with an almost painful odor. 

Meanwhile, a homemade men’s deodorant, especially one made from natural ingredients, ensures that only health-friendly substances get to interact with your skin. There’s no concern for searching on product labels for phrases like “Aluminum-free deodorant” or “alcohol-free” because every one of your creations can be aluminum-free and alcohol-free.

Why Conventional Synthetic Deodorant Should Be Avoided

While synthetic deodorants might seem like the go-to option, there are reasonable concerns about their ingredients and their potential effects on our health.

Many manufactured deodorants contain several chemical compounds and toxic ingredients, which could potentially be harmful if applied over the long term. 

Not only that, but conventional deodorant products are oftentimes so harsh. Have you ever mistakingly applied store-bought deodorant to razor burn? How did that feel? 

Here are some common chemical ingredients found in many conventional deodorants: 

  • Aluminum chlorohydrate: This is a common active ingredient in many antiperspirants used to obstruct sweat ducts. There are concerns about its link to Alzheimer’s disease and breast cancer.
  • Parabens: These are widely used preservatives in the cosmetics industry, including deodorants. Suspicions have arisen about their potential role in causing breast cancer.
  • Triclosan: This is an antibacterial and antifungal agent. However, it recently drew concerns due to its impact on the human endocrine system.
  • Phthalates: These are used in plastics and as solvents in many personal care products like deodorants. They have been linked to several adverse health effects.
  • Propylene Glycol: Originally developed as an anti-freeze, it is commonly used as a moisturizer in deodorants and other cosmetic products.
  • Formaldehyde: While not often openly listed as an ingredient, it can be found in some deodorants and beauty products. Exposure can lead to skin irritation or allergic reactions and more serious health concerns.
  • Talc: Used for its absorbency and smooth application, there are concerns over a possible link to ovarian cancer if it contains asbestos as an impurity.
  • PPG-15 stearyl Ether: Primarily acts as a lubricant for the application of deodorant. This chemical can be found in roll-on deodorants, as well as other types.

Overall, natural alternatives could potentially be a healthier and safer option. In the following section, we’ll provide some outstanding homemade men’s deodorant recipes that you can easily make at home.

The Perks of Homemade Natural Men’s Deodorant 

  1. Healthy Skincare: The main benefit of a DIY natural deodorant is the absence of harmful components. You see, most conventional deodorants contain chemicals like parabens and aluminum compounds. However, when you create your own deodorant, you have the certainty of using only the safest ingredients. Isn’t that a breath of fresh air, literally and figuratively?
  2. Environmentally Friendly: By making your own deodorant, you are also saving the planet! How, you ask? Well, many store-bought deodorants are packed in non-recyclable plastics and can harm our environment. On the flip side, making your homemade deodorant allows for reusable containers and zero waste. Now, that’s what we call being eco-awesome!
  3. Customizations Galore: Who doesn’t enjoy a dash of personal touch? With DIY deodorants, you have the liberty to experiment with different scents until you find the one that truly ‘nose’ you best. You’re not confined by the limited choices offered in the supermarket aisles. So go ahead, let your creativity run wild, and make a statement with your deodorant!

You don’t just smell good, you feel good too. Because you know that your personal care routine not only assures you of better health and saves the environment, but also gives a nod to your individuality. Now, isn’t that simply way better than any of the over-the-shelf deodorant?

The Science Behind the Effectiveness of Natural Deodorants

Natural ingredients have this interesting harmony with our human body to keep it fresh, clean, and free from harmful toxins. After all, that makes sense, right? How could something in a lab complement our body better than natural ingredients?

 Unlike many store-bought deodorants that contain harsh chemicals, homemade men’s deodorants use ingredients from nature to fight odor and reduce sweating. Each ingredient plays a part, making these DIY recipes not only safe but also quite effective. 

Key Ingredients in Homemade Deodorants 

Coconut Oil: It’s antibacterial and antifungal properties help eliminate body odor by killing bacteria. Coconut oil is also safe for the skin, providing moisturizing benefits and aiding the smooth easy application of your DIY deodorant. 

Arrowroot Powder: Primarily used to absorb moisture, arrowroot powder is hypoallergic, making it perfect for sensitive skin. It aids in keeping the underarms dry, thereby reducing unpleasant body odors, while also being a great ingredient for a more mild formulation.

Eucalyptus Oil: Renowned for its antibacterial properties, eucalyptus oil can combat the bacteria that cause the odor. Plus, it gives a refreshing and invigorating scent. 

“Natural ingredients in homemade men’s deodorants are safe for the skin, with a plethora of health benefits that prevent body odor. They contain no parabens, aluminum, or other toxic chemicals commonly found in commercial deodorants.”

Coconut OilAntibacterial and moisturizing
Arrowroot PowderMoisture-absorbing, hypoallergenic, and effective antiperspirant
Eucalyptus OilAntibacterial and refreshing scent
BeeswaxCreates a protective barrier and solidifies the deodorant
Lavender OilProvides a calming scent and antiseptic properties
Tea Tree OilAntibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties
Shea ButterMoisturizing and anti-inflammatory
Baking SodaNeutralizes body odor and absorbs moisture
Aloe Vera GelAnti-inflammatory and soothing effect
Vitamin E OilNourishing and improves skin health

The above ingredients and many others used in homemade deodorants offer a myriad of health and wellness benefits.

Considering the potential harm caused by the harsh chemicals found in many store-bought deodorants, wouldn’t you prefer to switch to a safer alternative? Not only is it natural and free from harmful toxins, but it also provides numerous benefits that conventional deodorants can’t hold a candle to. 

7 Benefits of Natural vs. Synthetic Deodorant

Do you ever stop to wonder what’s really in that stick of deodorant you swipe under your arms every morning? The truth is that many commercial deodorants pack a punch because of their synthetic ingredients that may not be too friendly for your skin or your health. On the other hand, natural, homemade deodorants gently pamper the skin and are loaded with advantages.

  1. Gentle on the Skin: Synthetic deodorants often contain ingredients that might irritate sensitive skin, leading to redness or rashes. Natural deodorants use skin-friendly ingredients like coconut oil and shea butter, which are soothing and nourishing (especially if you have dry skin), treating your skin with the care it deserves.
  2. No Hazardous Chemicals: Many shop-bought deodorants contain potentially harmful chemicals such as aluminum and parabens. Even worse, they can be tainted during the manufacturing process with harmful contaminants. With natural deodorant, you control what you put on your body and can use ingredients from nature instead of those made in a lab.
  3. Effective Odor Control: Don’t be fooled, ‘natural’ doesn’t mean ‘less effective’. Essential oils used in homemade deodorants exhibit antimicrobial properties, helping to kill the bacteria that cause body odor. Beyond that, since the essential oil options and blends are virtually limitless, so are the countless invigorating scents you can choose from. 
  4. Sweat Healthily: Did you know that sweating is a good thing? It’s your body’s natural way of detoxing. While synthetic deodorants can contain components that block sweat glands, natural variations allow your body to perspire freely and healthily.
  5. No Residue: Forget about white stains on your dark clothes. Natural deodorants, unlike synthetic ones, are less likely to leave a chalky residue on your skin or clothing.
  6. Your Ingredients, Your Customization: When you make your own deodorant, you know exactly what’s going into it. There are no perplexing chemical names, just simple, recognizable ingredients.
  7. Eco-friendly: By going homemade, you are also contributing to fewer tin cans and plastic containers ending up in landfill sites. Moreover, you are opting for ingredients that aren’t as harmful when they’re washed down the drain. 

In conclusion, by choosing a natural, homemade deodorant over a synthetic one, you’re making a choice that’s beneficial to your skin, your health, your peace of mind, and your environment.

Choosing the Right Base for Your Homemade Deodorant

One critical component of DIY deodorant is the base, which represents the major part of the end product and to which other ingredients are added. They generally have skin-soothing and odor-neutralizing properties. Natural deodorant bases typically contain an oil that hardens at room temperature, as well as cornstarch, baking soda, and other ingredients. 

Common Ingredients Found in DIY Deodorant Base

Baking Soda 

Baking soda, otherwise known as sodium bicarbonate, is a popular choice for including in deodorant bases due to its natural ability to absorb moisture and neutralize odor. However, it’s not suitable for everyone as it can cause skin irritation in some people, especially those with sensitive skin. So, it’s definitely optional if you have very sensitive skin!


Cornstarch is another excellent option. Being highly absorbent, it’s great for controlling sweat, and it just has overall great anti-wetness qualities. It’s also gentle on the skin, making it a suitable choice for those who don’t prefer to use baking soda. 

Shea Butter 

If you want your deodorant to have moisturizing properties, shea butter is a great option. It gives the deodorant a smooth, creamy consistency and is beneficial in keeping your underarms soft and nourished. However, it doesn’t offer much in terms of controlling sweat and neutralizing odor, so it’s best used in tandem with other ingredients like baking soda or cornstarch.


If you want a more stick-like deodorant, you can’t go wrong with beeswax. This ingredient will add more structure and form to the deodorant overall and will give it a more waxy consistency. Additionally, beeswax will form a protective layer on the skin to keep. So, definitely use this if you want a more solid end product.

Coconut Oil

This is a great ingredient for moisturizing, as well as to give some more customization over how the deodorant spreads or “melts” onto the skin. Additionally, coconut oil is antibacterial, which further helps to lead to long-lasting odor control. And how could we forget to mention the scent of coconut? Depending on your preference, the scent is both easy to highlight but also easy to mask with other stronger essential oil scents.

Choosing the Right Base for You

To choose the right base, consider your skin sensitivity and needs.

  • If you have sensitive skin, you might want to go with cornstarch or shea butter to avoid potential irritation.
  • If odor and sweat control are your main priorities, baking soda and coconut oil could be the right choice for you. 
  • For moisture control, you can always add cornstarch because it has outstanding wetness protection. If you find the deodorant is a bit too dry, just add some additional coconut oil or another natural oil of your choice. 
  • Experiment with a combination of base ingredients until you find what works best for you. Choose your oil, use beeswax for a more solid result, evaluate using cornstarch, baking soda, and/or arrowroot, perhaps add some aloe or even apple cider vinegar, and you’re off to the races. 

Tips for Customizing Your Homemade Deodorant

Just like any other homemade creation, there is always room for personalization and tweaks to fit your needs or those of the special man in your life. Here are some tips to help you customize these recipes to perfection: 

  1. Choose Essential Oils You Love: These recipes will make use of essential oils not only for their natural scent but also for their beneficial properties. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different oils. Cedarwood, lavender, and tea tree are great for their antimicrobial properties, while sandalwood, bergamot, or frankincense can add a wonderful masculine scent.
  2. Consider Skin Sensitivity: Remember, everyone’s skin is different. If you or your significant other have sensitive skin, consider reducing the amount of baking soda in the recipes or even potentially replacing it with another ingredient like arrowroot powder or cornstarch.
  3. Experiment with Texture: If you prefer your deodorant to have a different consistency, feel free to adjust it to your liking. Adding more beeswax will make the deodorant harder and more stick-like while adding less will result in a creamier deodorant.
  4. Quality Matters: When it comes to natural DIY recipes, the quality of the ingredients you use matters a lot. Choose organic, unrefined, cold-pressed oils whenever possible. High-quality essential oils and natural ingredients will result in a more effective formula.
  5. Patience is Key: Lastly, patience is crucial in the world of DIY. Allow your homemade deodorant time to cool and set before you use it. If at first you don’t succeed, don’t be discouraged. Just adjust your ingredients or method and try again.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Making Your Own Deodorant

When making your own deodorant, there are several common mistakes to be mindful of. By avoiding these pitfalls, you’ll be able to create a natural and effective deodorant that’s just right for you. 

1. Over-use of Baking Soda 

One common error is overusing baking soda. Although baking soda plays a crucial role in neutralizing odors, using too much can irritate your skin. Keep this ingredient to a reasonable minimum. 

2. Neglecting to Test Your Homemade Deodorant 

Remember to test your homemade deodorant on a small section of your skin before applying it more broadly. Natural deodorants generally are less likely to cause skin irritation, but it’s still possible, particularly if you have sensitive skin. It’s safe to do a patch test before fully incorporating your DIY deodorant into your daily routine. 

3. Not Using the Right Base 

Choosing the wrong base for your homemade deodorant is another common mistake.

Your deodorant base is what holds everything together, and different bases will deliver different results. For instance, shea butter and coconut oil work best for individuals with normal skin, while those with sensitivities may prefer a base primarily composed of arrowroot powder or cornstarch. 

Additionally, use a base that feels good when you put it on. A mild formula glides onto the skin very well when you’ve used a higher amount of oil vs. beeswax, whereas more beeswax will lead to a solid waxy feeling.

4. Skimping on Essential Oils 

Another mistake is holding back on the use of essential oils. These oils not only give your homemade deodorant its scent, but they also offer several benefits. From lavender’s calming properties to the antibacterial benefits of tea tree oil, essential oils can significantly enhance your homemade deodorant formula. However, remember to use essential oils in moderation to avoid skin irritation. 

5. Impatience with Results 

Finally, don’t forget that your body needs time to adjust to your homemade deodorant. You may not notice instant results, especially if you’ve recently switched from a store-bought deodorant. Sometimes, there’s a detox period where your body adjusts to the absence of chemicals it’s become used to. Be patient, and wait a few weeks to truly determine the effectiveness of your new, natural option.

3 Easy DIY Homemade Men’s Deodorant Recipes

The great thing about the below recipes is that they’re excellent, just as they are, and you can customize and tailor them as needed. You could add beeswax, more or less oil, additional essential oil scents, and more. Perhaps you want to also use a touch of sweet almond, jojoba oil, or cocoa butter? Perhaps sandalwood? Anything’s possible, which is why homemade recipes are superior. No toxic chemicals, no alcohol, just exactly what you want to include in your own creation.

Recipe #1: Citrus Blast 

This clean, refreshing deodorant is simple to make and great for those who love a light, uplifting scent. Combining citrus essential oils, baking soda, and coconut oil, it fights off any odor effectively.


  • 1/2 cup Baking Soda
  • 1/2 cup Cornstarch
  • 1/4 cup Coconut Oil
  • 20 drops Citrus essential oil (lemon, lime, bergamot, or orange).


  1. Mix the baking soda and cornstarch in a bowl until well combined.
  2. Melt the coconut oil, then add in the essential oil.
  3. Gradually combine the oil mixture with the dry ingredients, creating a paste.
  4. Store in a small jar or old deodorant stick, letting it cool and solidify before use.

Why is it great? This Citrus Blast DIY deodorant offers a naturally refreshing scent that is perfect for starting your day. It also solely uses natural ingredients, reducing any risk of skin irritation caused by synthetic chemicals.

Recipe #2: Woods and Earth 

This robust, earthy deodorant has a masculine scent and includes masculine and woodsy essential oil scents. The addition of shea butter adds a moisturizing touch to protect your skin. Overall, this is a great masculine men’s deodorant recipe.


  • 1/2 cup Baking Soda
  • 1/2 cup Cornstarch
  • 1/4 cup Shea Butter
  • 1/4 cup Coconut Oil
  • 20 drops Cedarwood Essential Oil
  • 10 drops Cypress Essential Oil


  1. Combine baking soda and cornstarch in a bowl.
  2. Melt shea butter and coconut oil together.
  3. Once melted, stir in the essential oils.
  4. Gradually mix the wet and dry ingredients to form a paste.
  5. Let it cool and store in a small jar or old deodorant stick.

Why is it great? The Woods and Earth scent delivers a traditional masculine fragrance, while shea butter ensures your skin remains hydrated and free of irritation. Plus, the natural antimicrobial properties of the chosen essential oils offer long-lasting protection against body odor.

Recipe #3: Mint and Eucalyptus 

This Mint and Eucalyptus deodorant offers a fresh scent with a cooling effect. Apart from being easy to make at home, it serves as a unique, refreshing take on DIY deodorant.


  • 1/2 cup Baking Soda
  • 1/2 cup Cornstarch
  • 1/4 cup Coconut Oil
  • 15 drops Eucalyptus Essential Oil
  • 15 drops Peppermint Essential Oil


  1. Blend baking soda and cornstarch in a bowl.
  2. Melt the coconut oil and add the essential oils.
  3. Slowly add the oil mixture into the dry ingredients until they form a paste.
  4. Place in a small jar or old deodorant stick and allow it to cool and solidify before using.

Why is it great? The cooling sensation of mint combined with the refreshing scent of eucalyptus makes this DIY deodorant a standout choice. Additionally, both eucalyptus and peppermint essential oils are known for their antibacterial properties, providing effective odor protection throughout the day. Adding a drop or two of a citrus essential oil, or sandalwood, adds even more complexity to this fresh scent profile. 

Exploring Additional Masculine Scent Variations

Honing in on the perfect scent for homemade men’s deodorant can be quite the adventure. A well-crafted blend of essential oils can hit all the right notes, from woodsy to citrusy to spicy, embodying the essence of masculinity. With the right batch of essential oils at your disposal, you’ll be able to create a unique, tailored fragrance.  

Essential Oils for Masculine Scents 

Before we dive into mixing and matching these fragrances, let’s take a closer look at seven essential oils and how their unique aromas contribute to a masculine scent. 

  • Cedarwood: Hailing from the wood of the cedar tree, this essential oil offers a soothing, woodsy aroma that serves as an excellent base for any masculine blend.
  • Patchouli: Patchouli provides a rich, earthy aroma. It pairs well with citrus or spice scents, making it a versatile addition to any man’s homemade deodorant.
  • Bergamot: Bergamot brings a fresh citrus scent with a subtle hint of spice, adding a vibrant lift to heavier, earthier oils.
  • Peppermint: Among the most invigorating of oils, peppermint adds a fresh, cooling sensation, fitting for the active man.
  • Sandalwood: This oil offers a smooth, sweet, woodsy odor. It’s perfect when combined with other oils to add depth and warmth.
  • Eucalyptus: Eucalyptus bears a fresh, revitalizing scent, ideal for clearing the mind and heightening the senses. It’s a good complement to spicier scents.
  • Clove: With its strong, warming scent, clove oil adds a delightful kick of spice, great for a lingering scent.
  • Floral: By themselves, floral essential oils don’t smell very masculine. However, when you mix a few drops with the above essential oils, you’ll end up with an amazing twist on an already masculine scent. 

Mixing Essential Oils for Fragrance 

Now that we’ve explored the individual scents, let’s discuss how to blend them to create uniquely masculine fragrances. Remember, experimenting with different combinations is key. 

A good rule of thumb when blending oils is to stick to a ratio of 30% top notes (the first fragrance you smell), 50% middle notes (the main body of the blend), and 20% base notes (the scent that lingers the longest).

For instance, you can create a fresh, invigorating scent by blending Bergamot (top note), Peppermint (middle note), and Cedarwood (base note). Alternatively, a warm, spicy blend could include Clove (top note), Eucalyptus (middle note), and Sandalwood (base note).

Don’t be afraid to experiment and find combinations that resonate with you or the man you’re creating this for. Remember, experiment with adding a hint of floral notes, too, just enough to add some sweetness to the overall scent profile.

Remember, homemade deodorant isn’t just about combating body odor; it’s about creating a subtle fragrant experience tailored to personal preference. With the right blend of essential oils, you can achieve just that. 

FAQs: Homemade Men’s Deodorant

Now, let’s address some frequently asked questions when it comes to making homemade men’s deodorant, storing it, and more.

Are natural DIY deodorants effective against sweat and odor?

Yes, natural DIY deodorants can be effective against sweat and odor. They manage perspiration by absorbing sweat and combat smell-causing bacteria with natural antibacterial ingredients like essential oils. However, their effectiveness may vary based on individuals and their varying body chemistries.

How long can homemade deodorants last?

A well-preserved homemade deodorant can last up to 3 months, sometimes longer. The longevity largely depends on the ingredients used and how it’s stored. It’s good practice to make it in small batches and use it within this time frame. If you make a larger batch, store it in a clean container and in a cool and dry location.

Can I alter the recipe to suit my skin type or sensitivity?

Absolutely! The key advantage of DIY deodorants is customization. If you have sensitive skin, opt for less baking soda or choose soothing ingredients like aloe vera and shea butter. Experiment until you find the right mix that suits your skin.

Are the ingredients for homemade deodorants easily accessible?

Yes, most ingredients for homemade deodorants, such as coconut oil, baking soda, cornstarch, and essential oils, are easily accessible. You can find them at your local supermarket, health stores, or online. If you can’t find one specific ingredient, simply use another ingredient with similar properties. 

Can I customize the scent of my homemade deodorant?

DIY deodorants give you the liberty to customize the scent to your liking. You can do this by experimenting with different combinations of essential oils. From refreshing citrus scents to soothing lavender, the choices are plentiful.

What’s the best way to store my homemade men’s deodorant?

The best way to store your homemade deodorant is in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. You can use glass jars with tight lids for this purpose. Some also like to store it in old deodorant sticks for convenience.

Is there a risk of skin reactions or allergies with DIY deodorants?

Even though they are natural, DIY deodorants can occasionally cause skin reactions or allergies, particularly if you are sensitive to any particular ingredient, like baking soda. Therefore, it’s recommended to always do a patch test before applying it underneath your arms. Also, avoid ingredients you know you’ve had sensitivities to in the past. 

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