Oatmeal milk and honey soap with a pitcher of goat milk and a basket.

Oatmeal Milk and Honey Soap Benefits: 3 Recipes for Soft, Healthy Skin

Today, we’ll be delving into natural skincare and DIYs, specifically focusing on the benefits of oatmeal milk and honey soap. This subject is close to our hearts, and we’re thrilled to share it with you.

Oatmeal, milk, and honey – each an elixir in itself, have stood the test of time in skincare routines. They create a formidable yet gentle combination designed to cleanse, soothe, and nourish your skin. For all our mothers and families out there who value natural ingredients and love getting crafty, this is a treat for you! 

This power-packed soap marries the exceptional properties of oatmeal milk and honey, delivering multiple benefits for your skin. What makes this soap an extraordinary addition to your skincare routine? 

  • Deep moisturizing: This soap is fantastic because it combines some of the best natural moisturizers available. It penetrates the deepest layers of the skin, rejuvenating them with necessary nutrients and giving your skin a healthy glow.
  • Natural exfoliant: The oatmeal in the soap acts as a mild exfoliant, removing dead skin cells and revealing the smooth, youthful skin underneath.
  • Natural healing: Oatmeal milk and honey (especially manuka honey) have been known for their healing properties for centuries. This soap is no exception, helping to heal irritated skin, reduce inflammation, and soothe eczema and psoriasis.
  • Antioxidant-rich: Honey, a natural antioxidant, fights against skin damage and aging, keeping your skin looking younger for longer.

“The best foundation you can wear is glowing healthy skin.”

With so many suffering from sensitive and dry, itchy skin and numerous skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis, it’s even more important to have plenty of options that won’t irritate the skin.

The Science Behind Oatmeal Milk and Honey Soap: Why It Works

With so many suffering from sensitive and dry skin today and skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis, it’s even more important to have plenty of options that won’t irritate the skin. So, let’s consider the start ingredients that make this a phenomenal addition to your natural skincare routine.

Benefits of Oatmeal for Skin 

When you think of oatmeal, your mind might immediately go to a warm, comforting breakfast. You also might think about the many health benefits of eating oatmeal as part of your diet.

But did you know that this humble grain also has incredible benefits for your skin? That’s right, oatmeal is a natural skin miracle worker and, when combined with the hydrating powers of milk and the nourishing properties of honey, creates a soap that greatly benefits the skin.  Below, let’s take a look at some of the fantastic properties of oatmeal milk and honey soap: 

  • Exfoliation: Oatmeal naturally contains saponins, compounds that are excellent at cleansing and removing dead skin cells (Healthline). When you use oatmeal soap, these saponins gently scrub away the old, dead skin, revealing a brighter, refreshed layer underneath. It’s like giving your skin a new lease of life!
  • Moisturization: Oatmeal is a humectant, which means it can retain moisture in your skin and help the skin maintain a proper PH level. It works by drawing water from its surroundings, helping to keep your skin hydrated and reducing dryness (NCBI). Imagine your skin drinking in all that moisture and saying ‘thank you’!
  • Soothing effect: If you’ve ever had chickenpox or a rash, you might remember sitting in an oatmeal bath. That’s because oatmeal contains avenanthramides, a particular kind of antioxidant group that’s renowned for its ability to soothe and relieve skin irritation and inflammation (PubMed). It’s like a calming hug for your skin.

Benefits of Honey for Skin 

There’s much more to explore about the astounding benefits of oatmeal milk and honey soap, especially when we bring the profoundly potent manuka honey into the equation. Shall we dive in? 

Firstly, let’s delve into the myriad benefits of honey for the skin. Honey, a veritable elixir, boasts an impressive array of skin-boosting properties. 

Honey has antibacterial properties that can help fight acne and other skin conditions.

  • Moisturizing: Honey is a natural humectant, meaning it draws moisture from the air into the skin, ensuring it is retained in the layers where it’s most needed for penetrating, long-lasting hydration, leading to a natural glow.
  • Antioxidant: Honey is rich in antioxidants, which help to protect the skin from environmental damage, keeping it healthy and youthful.
  • Anti-bacterial: Honey possesses natural anti-bacterial properties that can assist in preventing acne and other skin infections.
  • Exfoliating: The enzymes in honey cleanse the skin and slough off dead skin cells, leaving you with a radiant glow.
  • Healing: Owing to its anti-inflammatory properties, honey can help to heal and soothe irritated skin.

Now, let’s move on to the wonder that is manuka honey. This honey, native to New Zealand, is obtained from the nectar of the Manuka bush. It is renowned for its superior healing properties. But why is it considered a cut above the rest? Let’s find out. 

For an in-depth look at the benefits of manuka honey, refer to my previous article Manuka Honey for Skin: Tremendous Benefits for Healthier Skin.

Benefits of Manuka HoneyWhat It Means for Your Skin
Enhanced Anti-Bacterial Properties:Manuka honey contains a compound called ‘Methylglyoxal’ (MGO), which has robust antibacterial properties. This means it’s even more effective at combating acne and skin infections.
Higher Nutrient Density:Manuka honey boasts higher levels of enzymes, amino acids, vitamins, and minerals than regular honey. This nutrient-rich composition contributes to healthier, more nourished skin.
Superior Healing:Manuka honey is renowned for its wound-healing properties. It can help soothe and heal inflamed, irritated skin more quickly.

Incorporating honey, particularly manuka honey, into your skincare routine can work wonders for your skin. Next, let’s delve into some oatmeal milk and honey soap recipes you can whip up at home for healthy, glowing skin. 

Benefits of Goat Milk for Skin 

Goat milk isn’t just a wholesome dietary staple and a veritable beauty powerhouse. Bursting with healthful properties, it can help beautify your skin in numerous ways. 

Milk contains lactic acid, which can help exfoliate and brighten the skin.

  • Natural Moisturizer: Goat milk is rich in fatty acids, which can help hydrate and nourish your skin. Its moisturizing properties are 
  • Anti-Aging: Containing a wealth of essential nutrients, including vitamin A and selenium, goat milk can help neutralize free radicals, preventing them from damaging your skin and accelerating the aging process.
  • Gentle Exfoliator: The natural lactic acid in goat milk acts as a gentle exfoliator, removing dead skin cells to reveal fresher, younger-looking skin underneath. This is just one of the natural ways to exfoliate your skin!
  • Anti-Inflammatory: Goat milk has anti-inflammatory properties thanks to its high-fat molecule content. This can soothe irritated skin and can be particularly beneficial for those with acne, eczema, or psoriasis.
  • Brightening: Goat milk brightens the skin, helping to reduce dark spots and pigmentation and providing a more even skin tone.

Now, imagine combining goat milk’s power with oats’ healing properties and honey’s antibacterial benefits. One of the standout benefits of oatmeal milk and honey soap is its anti-inflammatory properties. Combining oatmeal’s avenanthramides and honey’s antibacterial properties can help soothe and calm inflamed skin, making it an excellent choice for those with sensitive skin or conditions like eczema or psoriasis. 

When the moisturizing properties of goat milk, the soothing nature of oats, and the antibacterial benefits of honey team up, what you get is a skin superfood. This combination brings together the best of nature’s gifts to provide a holistic solution for beautiful, healthy skin.

3 DIY Oatmeal Milk and Honey Soap Recipes for a Healthier Skin

Recipe 1: Basic Oatmeal Milk and Honey Soap 

Our first simple, straightforward recipe will introduce you to the wonderful world of homemade soap using real oats. This is about as simple as it gets. 

Remember, homemade soaps not only have a personal touch but they’re also free from harsh ingredients that often irritate sensitive skin.


  • 1 lb Goat’s Milk Soap Base
  • 1/4 cup Oatmeal (finely ground)
  • 2 tablespoons Honey


  1. Melt the soap base in a double boiler or microwave.
  2. Stir in the oatmeal and honey until well combined.
  3. Pour the mixture into soap molds and let it cool and harden.
  4. Unmold and enjoy your homemade soap!

Recipe 2: Lavender Oatmeal Milk and Honey Soap 

Our second recipe includes the calming scent of lavender. A perfect soap to prep you for your beauty sleep!


  • 1 lb Goat’s Milk Soap Base
  • 1/4 cup Oatmeal (finely ground)
  • 2 tablespoons Honey
  • 15 drops of Lavender Essential Oil

With essential oils, there are tons of options. Feel free to try different floral essential oils for this recipe, like rose, jasmine, or ylang-ylang oil. 


  1. Melt the soap base in a double boiler or microwave.
  2. Stir in the oatmeal, honey, and lavender essential oil until well combined.
  3. Pour the mixture into soap molds and let it cool and harden.
  4. Unmold and let your senses enjoy this aromatic oatmeal soap bar.

Recipe 3: Citrus, Oatmeal Milk and Honey Soap 

The final recipe is a tangy treat for your skin! The citrus oils will give a refreshing boost to your morning shower.


  • 1 lb Goat’s Milk Soap Base
  • 1/4 cup Oatmeal (finely ground)
  • 2 tablespoons Honey
  • 10 drops of Lemon Essential Oil
  • 5 drops of Orange Essential Oil


  1. Melt the soap base in a double boiler or microwave.
  2. Stir in the oatmeal, honey, and essential oils until well combined.
  3. Pour the mixture into soap molds and let it cool and harden.
  4. Unmold and kickstart your day with this zesty bar of soap!

For those who want to go a step further and learn more about soapmaking processes, like the hot and cold process, feel free to reference this more advanced guide on soapmaking. Handmade soaps and soap bars are incredibly fun to make and have amazing benefits when done right.

Where to Find High-Quality Oatmeal Milk and Honey for Your Soap Making

When making your own oatmeal milk and honey soap, the quality of your ingredients can significantly influence the result. Let’s delve into where one can find high-quality ingredients for their homemade soap: 


Oatmeal forms the foundation of our soap recipe. For best results, one important ingredient for soap making is colloidal oatmeal. It is finely ground and easily dissolves in water, providing the most benefits for the skin. Not only that, it’s been used for skincare for quite a long time. You can find colloidal oatmeal at your local health food store online, or you can make it yourself. Aim for organic oats, if possible, to ensure the most natural and beneficial product. If you want a fully organic soap, this is a must.

Goat Milk 

We recommend using goat’s milk (raw goat milk is great) for the milk component. Goat’s milk is rich in fatty acids and triglycerides, making it an excellent natural moisturizer. Try finding fresh goat’s milk from a local farm or farmers market. If this isn’t possible, many grocery stores carry goat’s milk, or you can purchase goat’s milk powder or canned goat’s milk online. 


The honey you choose for your natural oatmeal milk and honey soap is important. Using unfiltered raw honey will ensure it retains its beneficial properties that might otherwise be lost through the manufacturing process. Even better, use organic honey. One excellent choice is Manuka honey, renowned for its potent antibacterial properties.

To select manuka honey and determine its overall strength, you’ll need to know how to decode the product labels and make sense of UMF and MGO ratings. For that, check out the manuka honey article I linked to earlier. Just in case you missed it, here it is again: 

Manuka Honey for Skin: Tremendous Benefits for Healthier Skin

Remember, sourcing high-quality ingredients may require a bit more time and effort, but your skin will thank you for it!


As we wrap up, it’s worth noting that the journey to healthier skin doesn’t have to be a complicated or expensive one. The answer might be as simple as oatmeal milk and honey soap. This natural, nourishing, and skin-loving blend can significantly impact your skincare routine, offering many benefits, from soothing dry skin to fighting off acne. And the best part? You can easily make it at home!

With the three easy-to-follow DIY recipes we discussed, you’re ready to start your soapmaking adventure. You’ll not only enjoy the process of creating your own skincare product but also the rewarding results of using something you’ve crafted with your hands. It’s a wonderful thing to take control of what goes onto your skin in such a tangible way.

Remember, high-quality ingredients are the key to a successful soap. So, whether you’re purchasing oatmeal, milk, or honey, always aim for the best quality you can afford. This isn’t just about beauty—it’s about wellness, self-care, and a commitment to a healthier lifestyle

Are you ready to embrace and treat yourself with homemade oatmeal milk and honey soap? There’s a world of natural skincare waiting for you, and it starts with these simple, wholesome ingredients. Happy soap-making.


How does oatmeal milk and honey soap help with dry skin? 

Oatmeal milk and honey soap acts as a natural moisturizer. The honey in the soap is a natural humectant, which means it helps lock in moisture into the skin, while the oatmeal gently exfoliates, removing dead skin cells and making room for new, healthier ones. The milk, full of fats and proteins, further boosts the skin’s moisture levels. Together, they work in harmony to soften and hydrate your skin, making it ideal for combatting dry skin. 

Can oatmeal milk and honey soap help with eczema? 

Yes, it can! People with eczema have very sensitive skin that needs gentle care. The soothing properties of oatmeal, coupled with the anti-inflammatory and antibacterial benefits of honey, can help alleviate the symptoms of eczema. Goat milk is also known for its gentle exfoliation and moisturizing properties, helping to reduce the itchiness and inflammation associated with eczema. Remember, each person’s skin is unique, so what works for one might not work for another. Always patch-test any new products. 

Is oatmeal milk and honey soap safe for sensitive skin? 

Absolutely. Oatmeal milk and honey soap is known for its gentle, soothing properties, making it safe for even the most sensitive skin types. The natural elements in the soap, such as oatmeal, honey, and milk, are all known for their skin-friendly properties. Oatmeal gently exfoliates without causing irritation, honey provides antibacterial benefits, and milk moisturizes and nourishes. Together, they create a soap that delicately cleanses without stripping the skin of its natural oils. 

Can oatmeal milk and honey soap help with acne-prone skin? 

Indeed, it can. Oatmeal milk and honey soap can be incredibly beneficial for those struggling with acne. The oatmeal helps absorb excess oil on the skin, which can help prevent breakouts. Honey’s natural antibacterial properties can help reduce acne-causing bacteria, and its anti-inflammatory properties can help reduce redness and inflammation associated with acne. Meanwhile, the lactic acid in the milk helps to exfoliate dead skin cells that can clog pores. So, combined, they make a powerful, natural acne-fighting team. 

Can I use oatmeal milk and honey soap on my face? 

Yes, you certainly can. Oatmeal milk and honey soap is gentle enough to use on the delicate skin of your face. It’s packed with natural ingredients that can help cleanse, moisturize, and soothe your skin without the harsh chemicals found in many commercial face washes. Always remember to rinse thoroughly and avoid getting the soap directly into your eyes. 

Can oatmeal milk and honey soap help with psoriasis? 

Many people with psoriasis have found relief with oatmeal milk and honey soap. The soothing properties of oatmeal, combined with the moisturizing benefits of honey and milk, can help alleviate the dryness, itchiness, and inflammation associated with psoriasis. Do keep in mind that while this soap can help manage symptoms, it’s not a cure for psoriasis. Always consult with your healthcare provider for medical advice.

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